
How To Put On A Haakaa

If you've e'er nursed a baby, you lot know as soon as your baby latches and your milk starts flowing, information technology's probably flowing on both sides. And unless you're tandem nursing twins, that'southward a whole lotta wasted liquid golden!

The haaka pump is designed to solve every mama's nightmare of wasted milk with an easy to employ, inexpensive, easily-free milk catcher.

If yous're breastfeeding and yous haven't tried the haakka– run, don't walk, to get your hands on i of these amazing milk-saving miracles!

If yous're a breastfeeding mom, the haaka pump is a total game changer!


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What is a haakaa?

The haaka chest pump is a hands-free device that's designed to piece of work primarily as a milk catcher. While you're nursing your baby on one side, chances are, the reverse breast volition brainstorm to leak. To avert wasting precious amounts of milk, the hakkaa works by collecting milk from the other "leaky" breast while your baby nurses on the other.

The haakaa pump is made of 100% food-grade silicone and is dishwasher safe! Unlike an electric breast pump, the hakka has no small parts and doesn't require electricity– so you can pump on the go. It's basically a breastfeeding game-changer!

Benefits of a haaka pump

  • Y'all tin pump on-the-go and without whatever electricity
  • Hands-free!
  • Quickly build a freezer stash by using the haakaa as a milk catcher while you lot nurse
  • Very affordable
  • Compact (great for traveling)
  • Can easily relieve engorgement
  • Unimposing (no loud racket!)
  • Super piece of cake to make clean (dishwasher safe, too!)
  • Can even help save a clogged milk duct

How to utilize a haakaa

Footstep 1: Sterilize the haakaa

Commencement, you lot'll need to sterilize your haakaa, and y'all can do so past placing in boiling h2o for 3-5 minutes of past placing in the dishwasher and choosing the sanitize launder cycle.

Step 2: Fold over the flange

Next, y'all'll fold the flange down. This is the secret pace! Folding over the flange creates an ultra-strong suction.


Step 3: Create a suction by squeezing the haakaa

Next you'll want to clasp the haakaa from the base to initiate a suction.

how to use a haakaa

Stride four: Put in place

Identify haakaa on your breast, making certain your nipple is in the center. If yous have whatever pain during this stride information technology'southward likely your nipple is not in the center, and yous'll need to break the seal and reposition the haakaa.

Step 5: Let the milk menstruation

To create the suction you'll fold over the flange adjacent. You milk should shortly brainstorm to catamenia after the suction is created. You practice not demand to concur on to the pump, but if you experience like the pump is falling off, only take off and reposition and create a new suction.

how to use the haakaa

My newborn must haves!

How to employ a haaka while nursing

To employ a haakaa pump while breastfeeding your baby you'll want to follow these simple steps:

  1. Latch your baby
  2. Fold flange of your haakaa breast pump downwards, squeeze base of haakaa, adhere to other breast.
  3. When baby is finished on one side, utilise your finger to break the suction of your haakaa, and reattach to the side your baby just finished feeding on. You may or may non get milk on that side, information technology just depends on if you lot accept another permit down or not.

Is the haakaa hands free?

The hakka is completely hands costless and can be used while nursing your baby at the same time with no problems any.

Once the hakkaa is properly placed on your breast, you shouldn't have issues with it staying on, every bit the suction is pretty powerful. If you lot feel similar the hakka chest pump is having a hard time staying in place, simple release the suction and effort once again.

Some nursing moms that are using the haakkaa every bit a milk saver observe that once their babe gets a flake bigger and starts kicking and moving around a lot while nursing, they need to wear a hands-free pumping bra to ensure their haakaa stays in place while they nurse.

Common questions most using the haakaa milk catcher while breastfeeding your baby

haakaa pump

What if my babe kicks off the haakaa?

Try unlike breastfeeding positions to solve this 1. Using a football game agree where your baby'south legs are positioned nether your arm is unremarkably the respond to keeping the haakaa on with a antsy infant.

What if my baby nurses on both sides, can I withal use the haakaa?

Absolutely! The haakaa is a milk catcher past nature and is designed to grab the letdown y'all experience while baby nurses. If y'all're concerned about infant not getting plenty milk from the breast your haakaa is on initially, just remove the haakaa once you've collected the milk from your let downwards.

Once your baby switches sides, she'll exist able to get another let downwards from your other breast, so you should not worry about the haakaa draining all of the milk from your breast.

Is the haakaa but for let down?

Traditionally, the haakaa is only used to collect the let downward on the side that you are not feeding infant. However, some moms choose to get out it on longer and collect both foremilk and hindmilk.

Because foremilk is the milk that flows immediately upon feeding, while hindmilk comes towards the end of nursing session, it stands to reason that if you simply employ the haakaa as a milk saver y'all cannot wait to collect hindmilk.

Tin can y'all employ haakaa to pump when you're not feeding your infant?

While a haakaa pump is certainly much more convenient than an electric breast pump, I didn't detect that it was a replacement for my electrical pump.

I loved using my haaka as a milk saver to catch milk that was leaking from the chest my baby wasn't feeding on, or to relieve engorgement in the middle of the nighttime without having to drag out my pump and wake anybody up.

Merely when I pumped at work during the times my babe would typically exist feeding, the haakaa simply wasn't as powerful enough equally an electric pump. Then if you plan to pump at piece of work or while a partner feeds your baby, a haakaa breast pump probably won't do the job as good equally an electric breast pump.

How many ounces can you lot expect to pump using a haakaa breast pump?

Since your milk supply is going to be different than any other mom'south supply it's hard to give a expert approximate as to what you might expect to collect using a haaka. It seems similar the normal amount you lot can expect to pump using a haaka is anywhere from ane-ii ounces per nursing session.

Because the haakaa is designed as a milk catcher yous can't wait to pump as much milk with a haakaa as you lot would with an electric or even a manual chest pump.

The dazzler of the haakaa is the fact that you're collecting milk that would otherwise be leaking onto your shirt or a pad and are able to build a breastmilk freezer stash completely effortlessly!

Just call up about information technology, on boilerplate your baby likely nurses 7 to 9 times a solar day. Even if you only collect 1 ounce every session, you lot're collecting vii to nine ounces each mean solar day. In but one month, you could easily have well over 200 ounces breast milk sitting in your freezer!

Related: Amazing breastfeeding hacks I learned from my lactation consultant

What if I'm not getting any milk using a Haakaa breast pump?

Outside of attaching the haakaa milk saver to the breast reverse babe is nursing on, some women report having a hard time collecting milk when they use the pump when baby isn't present. If this is an upshot you're experiencing, y'all may try some of the following suggestions:

Showtime, make sure you take a good suction. Remember to try folding down the flange of your haakaa and then attaching to your breast for best results.

Second, you may need to massage your breast to help encourage milk flow.

Additionally, y'all can endeavour looking at photos or videos of your baby while you lot're using the haakaa chest pump to endeavor and encourage let downward.

Lastly, leaving the haakaa on for most 15 minutes and allowing your torso to relax should also help, as the more than anxious you are, the harder it is to letdown.

How exercise you sterilize the Haakaa?

Each time you utilize the hakkaa milk collector you should sterilize it. A great reward to the haaka vs an electric pump is that sterilization is a breeze. You but accept to deal with one part, rather than a scattering of small-scale parts and tubing that demand to be disinfected each time.

To properly sterilize the haaka pump you can pop information technology into boiling water for 3 to v minutes, or because the haakaa is dishwasher safe, yous tin choose to clean it in the dishwasher on the sterilize setting.

Whatsoever harsh chemicals like bleach will crusade the silicone to break down over time, and so make sure to just use a gentle cleaner.

If your haakaa gets cloudy, try a vinegar and h2o solution (one part vinegar to 1 part water) to effort immigration information technology upwards.

What if my haakaa won't stay on?

After you lot sterilize the haakaa make certain it's completely dry–you might even wipe it with a clean towel earlier you endeavor to employ it– as any moisture will completely ruin your seal.

If you oasis't already attempt folding downwardly the flange first when inserting the haakaa breast pump on your breast. This makes information technology and so much easier to become a adept suction.

To make sure you're getting a good suction. Encounter the photos above to ensure yous're placing the haakaa on your chest correctly. Make certain to squeeze the haakkaa breast pump at the base, not the sides or top, for the strongest suction.

What's the divergence between haakaa and haakaa gen three?

If yous're researching the haakaa pump, you've likely come beyond info about the Haakaa gen 3, too. The products work fairly similarly, but there are some stark contrasts betwixt the two:

  • The haakaa gen three is slightly more than expensive than the haakaa.
  • The gen 3 model is built to catch milk and deposit it directly into a bottle, which holds half-dozen or 9 full ounces(depending on which size you get), in comparing to the regular haakaa, that but holds about 4 ounces. Baby bottle nipples tin be purchased separately.
  • iii total parts to the gen 3 model.
  • Slightly larger than the traditional haaka.

Volition the hakkaa pump work for all breast sizes?

Unlike an electrical pump that has several different flange sizes bachelor, the haakaa is one-size-fits all. Because of the powerful suction and lightweight size of the haakaa the one size should non be a problem for most women. I'm personally on the smaller side, and didn't have an event with the haakaa staying in place.

How long should I leave the Haakaa on?

Typically, when you're using the haakaa primarily equally a milk saver, you'll just go out on to grab the letdown on the reverse side your baby is feeding on, which will mean you'll just leave information technology on for a few minutes.

Once your baby switches to the other chest you can move the haakaa to the other side to fully drain your other breast.

Does the haakaa cause an oversupply of milk?

I've spent enough time with my lactation consultant to empathise that breastfeeding is a supply and need thing. So essentially, when milk is removed from your breast it signals to your trunk to brand more than.

But if you're using the haakaa for its intended use–strictly as a milk saver– your supply shouldn't be affected too much. The reason being, when you nurse your baby the letdown reflex (milk ejection reflex) is triggered and milk flows out of your breasts– and not just out of the chest your infant is nursing on, either!

By using the haakaa to simply catch the milk that would otherwise exist leaking into a breast pad, yous won't be altering your supply too much.

Still, I did discover that in my experience, even though the haakaa pump is non a true chest pump, it can pull out more than milk than a traditional milk saver that doesn't have a suction feature.

I advise simply using the haakaa to take hold of your let down if you are concerned or notice an oversupply issue.

Additionally, information technology is a known fact that yous can cause an crowd if you pump earlier your milk supply is regulated, which typically happens inside 3 to iv weeks. Given this information, you might wait to use the haakaa pump until that point.

Haakaa and epsom salt for clogged ducts

As if the haakkaa couldn't become any better, did you know you lot can also use it to assistance remove chock-full ducts?

To clear a clogged duct with epsom salt just fill up up your haakaa pump with a mixture of water and epsom salt at attach to the afflicted chest. Because epsom common salt is a natural anti inflammatory agent, this play a trick on works perfectly to clear up a chock-full duct.

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How long does breast milk concluding after warming and other questions you might have about storing and heating breastmilk


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